A Values-Driven Education for a Modern World

When we were younger, we dreamt of being astronauts, teachers, doctors, lawyers, working in the fire service… nowadays, the landscape looks completely different and the opportunity for job creation through technology is vast. Educating children about technology, its benefits, and its potential pitfalls is crucial in today's digital age. By equipping them with knowledge, they can make informed decisions, stay safe online, and harness technology for positive purposes while being aware of its limitations and risks. How we prepare our children for what comes after school is essential. Despite all the tech, instilling a love of learning and strong values is always going to be key.

We caught up with Mr Chris Watson, Deputy Head of Education and Learning at ESMS Junior School in Edinburgh, who explains how that preparation starts in the early years.*

*Feature in partnership with ESMS

 What is the perfect balance in education for younger children?

At ESMS Junior School, we aim to provide an education that balances academic excellence with traditional values that are the hallmark of our children. Core values such as integrity, empathy, and responsibility guide children’s behaviour and interactions, shaping them into compassionate and respectful individuals. Parents consistently appreciate the emphasis on character development alongside academic achievement. However, the world our children will enter after leaving us is unpredictable, which is why the education our children experience has to offer more; it has to consistently develop the talents of every individual, preparing them for the 21st century world.

How do you embrace technology positively in the classroom?

A culture of innovation runs through ESMS. From becoming the first independent school in Scotland to gain the Microsoft Global Showcase school status to the use of VR headsets to extend learning and support self-regulation for neurodiverse learners, we strive to be at the cutting edge of new educational practices. Children combine traditional paper-based learning alongside the judicious use of technology to develop their learning with our Primary 6 and 7 children using individual devices (laptops), whilst younger children use iPads. More than this, we are also embracing the AI revolution, actively using platforms like Century tech and Accelerated Reader. Digital Learning and coding are part of the curriculum with our Junior School Head of Digital Learning, continually assessing new, potential innovations and monitoring present usage.

 What does the ESMS curriculum offer over and above day to day education?

At the heart of our Junior School curriculum is a passion to develop excellence in the traditional Primary subject of maths, reading, writing, spelling and Science. Building on these firm foundations, is a commitment to develop the full range of talents of all of our students. To this end, we offer an abundance of co-curricular clubs, before school, at lunch times and after school. With an array of clubs, teams, choirs, and orchestras, children are encouraged to discover their passions. Whether it’s playing football; being part of an orchestra; performing in a school play; learning to fly a drone; learning chess; or even getting lost in the world of Minecraft; ESMS provides ample avenues for self-expression and growth.

 How do ESMS teachers deliver the vision at the heart of the school?

We know that the biggest determinant in the success your child will have with us is the relationship they will enjoy with the staff they encounter every day. That’s why we invest in their training to ensure they deliver high quality learning and the best possible pastoral support for every part of the day. It will be apparent in every aspect of school life, including the rich range of specialist teaching; be that Modern Languages, PE, Drama, Music or Games. We find that the specialist knowledge our staff bring to these areas helps to foster a love of the subjects as well as a deep understanding of the content being taught, to ensure they can move into senior school with confidence.

What Parents Say: “In class, thanks to the kind, watchful eye of his class teacher and the caring, nurturing approach of all the teaching staff, our son finally feels ‘seen’… He’s proud to wear his uniform every morning and he tells everyone that ESMS is ‘brilliant’. His self-confidence grows every day and truly it’s a joy to be part of the school and its wonderful community.”   Parents of a P5 student 

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