If you're concerned about the menopause, here's everything you need to know

‘The Change’. We all know what it is, but do we know when it’s coming? It seems that our interest in knowledge of the menopause is at an all time high, as Google reports that searches related to it are up by a colossal 99%. Here are the 29 symptoms to look out for, to help you stay healthy and happy during what can be a tricky time to experience.


While we all know about menopause and, in essence, what it is, for many of us, we don’t actually know what to expect our how our body will react to these changes until we’re in the midst of experiencing it. And while menopause certainly has a long list of symptoms that come with it, we think it’s important that we should be equipped with the knowledge of what to expect before it actually happens. As you’ll see from the below, there’s a lot to process, but we hope this will help answer some of your questions regarding the mystique of menopause and will better prepare you for when it happens to you. As always, if you’re concerned about any of the symptoms you’re experiencing, it’s imperative that you speak to your GP.

The Physical Symptoms


An increase of bloating symptoms, similar to those associated with PMS, is quite common

Breast tenderness

Your breasts may feel tender or sore - be sure to keep checking them regularly and consult your doctor if you notice any changes

Brittle nails

Hormonal fluctuations can limit the body’s production of keratin, resulting in brittle nails. Keep a bottle of strengthener handy, and try adding some supplements into your diet

Body odour changes

Perspiration levels can increase during the menopause, so you might experience associated changes in body odour

Burning tongue

Some women report a burning tongue, or similar sensation throughout the whole mouth area

Electric shocks or tingling extremities

It’s not uncommon to experience ‘electric shock’ sensations under the skin, or the feeling of tingling or ‘crawling’ on the arms and legs

Gastrointestinal problems

Many women report an increase in various digestive problems, such as gas, cramps or nausea, during the menopause

Gum problems

Bleeding gums can be quite common during the menopause, so maintain regular visits to the dentist

Hot flushes

Hot flushes are among the most common symptoms of menopause, with a vast majority of women experiencing them. A fan or cooling spritz can help ease the symptoms


Frequent or more severe headaches are a common side-effect of the menopause


Menopausal women frequently experience bladder control problems, which can be embarrassing. Don’t be ashamed, consult your GP to get effective medical help

Irregular heartbeat

The feeling of a "running away" heartbeat is one of the most common menopause symptoms

Itchy skin

For many women, one of the most annoying symptoms of menopause is relentlessly itchy skin

Joint pain and muscle tension

You might experience an increase in joint pain or muscular tension - take lots of relaxing warm baths to help ease any soreness

Vaginal dryness

As oestrogen levels drop during this time, vaginal dryness can occur. Consult your GP for more information on symptom management to help ease the irritation

The Emotional Symptoms


A commonly-reported symptom is an increased feeling of anxiety or stress, so be sure to take some time daily to relax, and talk about how you’re feeling with a friend or loved one


It isn't unusual for menopausal women to experience depression, so keep an eye on your mood levels and make sure you’re taking care of yourself - if it’s a concern, visit your GP for professional advice

Irritability and mood swings

Menopausal women often become very irritable. This symptom is often closely tied to mood swings, which can swing from tears of sadness to tears of joy in an instant

Panic attacks

For some women, the feelings of depression, anxiety, and mood swings associated with menopause can turn into panic attacks, so try and take care of yourself, especially if you feel you’re at risk of becoming overwhelmed

Other Things to Watch Out For


You might experience increased allergies, or new ones for the first time


Menopausal women often experience unexplained dizzy spells


Overwhelming feelings of fatigue are among the most frequent and severe symptoms

Hair changes

Many women observe an increase in facial hair and thinning of hair on other parts of the body

Irregular menstrual cycle

Menstrual irregularity is often the first sign that menopause is approaching; it can be helpful to use a tracker app to understand any changes that might be occurring in your cycle

Loss of libido

Many women experience a significant reduction in libido resulting from hormonal fluctuations

Memory lapses or difficulty concentrating

Some women experience concentration problems, or difficulty remembering things. Keep a diary or notebook handy to help you combat any lapses

Night sweats

One of the more common menopause symptoms, you may experience intense night sweats that can disrupt sleep or make you feel uncomfortable

Sleep disorders

It's very common for women to develop insomnia during menopause; try sleep aids or if it’s severe, speak to your doctor for further help

Weight gain

Weight gain is a very common symptom, which can be a serious concern for women. A healthy lifestyle and balanced diet can combat this